Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Not this time" is easier said than done

I am so proud of this team, leaving in just 2 days.  SO much work that has been done to get to this point.  The many hours of fundraising, tye-dying, extra shifts, never ending thinking about others and ways to help.  Sacrificing so much...from their families and of themselves;  money, time, vacation used, and don't forget the physical and emotional stress. The extra money they could have had to buy "stuff"  if they didn't go to Haiti.  

I feel so blessed to have met such wonderful people in my life.  I am so proud to be their friend.

Yes, it will be a long 2 weeks...wondering, praying, hoping, thinking......what would the 4th journey would have been like for me.  I know I was not suppose to go this time, I am glad I listened,  I would not have been able to take the physical stress due to my back.  GOD always knows best!!

Please keep Julie, Mark and Holly in your prayers the next couple of weeks. They will not know until they get there what their mission will be.  Mark hopefully teaching and using his skills as a surgeon. Julie and Holly maybe in the prisons doing physicals and prayer or in a tent with the roosters in La Coma..........You never know what to plan for.

 I wish each of you would have the opportunity to serve in Haiti.  You do not have to have medical experience to help  Guaranteed, it would CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!  To have absolutely nothing and be so thankful for each day they are alive. To have such appreciation for family and the gift of life is amazing.  Wow!
Julie and I are better people because of serving in Haiti.

Things to think about

The majority of Haitians (especially in La Coma, Haiti

  • Do not have medications for headaches, arthritis, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, pain, bacterial infections, birth control, STD's, cancers, child birth etc etc etc
  •  have no access to glasses if they have vision problems
  •  have limited water and/or no clean water for drinking (they cannot go into a store and use the bathroom to get clean water and drink clean water like in the US), they have a river which is polluted
  •  are living in tents or huts 
  •  have never had medical care
  •  sell their way of transportation (donkey) for medical care for life saving measures
  •  no way to pay for an education
  •  work 14 hour days and live on one american dollar per day
  •  poor nutrition due to poverty
  • not able to read and do not know their date of birth
Thank you for all of your support.  Please remember to keep this team in your thoughts and prayers the next couple weeks.  


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